JMS on Usenet


Subject: Re: And So It Begins...
Date: 24 May 2003 23:48:44 GMT
From: (Jms at B5)

>> I wouldn't believe anything written by the New York Times, an
>> organization that hires confessed liars and plagiarizers and
>> "journalists" that make up stories and print them as the "Truth".

Since you maintain that the truth matters, let's look a little more closely at
that rhetorical statement, shall we?

The tense that you use, "an organization that hires confessed liars and
plagiarizers and "journalists" that make up stories," states that they hired
them *knowing* these things.  

You didn't say that they hired them and then found *out* that they were those
things...that it "hires" them knowing those facts and with the intent of
putting out false stories (and you use the plural form to indicate that this is
an ongoing and consistent situation).

Care to back that one up, binky?

Because you're stating that as fact, so either you've got the backup on that,
or you're just as bad as the ones you're criticizing.

So what'll it be, sport?


(all message content (c) 2003 by synthetic worlds, ltd., 
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine 
and don't send me story ideas)